Welcome from Rachel Vassel ’91, G’21

Hello Alumni!
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Office of Multicultural Advancement’s website. This is the place where alumni from all backgrounds can connect with the University, underrepresented students, and one another!
Our refreshed site has several new features and improvements that we hope you’ll find useful:
- An easily accessible link to give to the Our Time Has Come (OTHC) Scholarship Funds
- An online archive of The Syracuse Manuscript and Shades of Orange, SU’s Black and Latino alumni magazine and eNewsletter
- Stories about successful Our Time Has Come Scholars and alumni of color
- University news related to diversity and inclusion initiatives, multicultural student activities, and staff appointments
- Online application for our new mentoring program
Also, if there is additional content that you’d like us to add, please feel free contact us at suma@syr.edu. We’d love to hear from you!
Thank you,
Go Orange!
Rachel Vassel
Associate Vice President