Reach your charitable goals without impacting your cash flow

While many alumni would love to support student scholarships in a significant way, not everyone has the financial freedom to do so within their income and current cash flow. Planned giving allows individuals to make a gift during their lifetime using appreciated securities (i.e., stocks and bonds), retirement plans, real estate, life insurance or tangible personal property.
We will work with you to determine a charitable plan that will strengthen your connection to Syracuse University without using cash or discretionary income. For example, the Office of Multicultural Advancement (SUMA) worked with an alumna who arranged for a $700,000 bequest through her government retirement fund. She wanted her gift to create a scholarship for students in her field of study through the Our Time Has Come (OTHC) Program. Another alumnus donated real estate worth $400 000 to support an existing OTHC scholarship. Yet another transfers stock valued at $10,000 annually to support an OTHC endowment she created. These donors have used planned giving to amplify their philanthropy to the University.
Join the Office of Multicultural Advancement for a conversation with Jason Tripp, executive director of gift planning, to hear about the different options available to meet aspirational philanthropic goals using assets and techniques to leverage tax, legal and financial strategies. You will also hear from alumni donors who have utilized appreciated assets to support the University. We are here to educate, advise and collaborate with you to help you achieve your philanthropic goals.
Please join us on November 21 or December 12 at noon for a 60-minute online Gift Planning Workshop. We look forward to seeing you.