2nd Lt. Aldrick Cade ’23

OTHC Leader
Three mornings a week, Aldrick Cade ’23 can be found doing military physical training drills at the Barnes Center at The Arch. He’s not a member of ROTC, but already a commissioned second lieutenant and member of the New York National Guard.
Cade, from Montgomery, Alabama, enrolled at Syracuse as a junior after graduating from Marion Military College—one of the nation’s four military junior colleges (MJC). The U.S. Army ROTC Early Commissioning Program (ECP) allows MJC graduates to be come commissioned officers in the reserve components in two years, instead of the usual four.
When deciding where to complete his four-year degree, the choice was simple: Syracuse University. “The D’Aniello Institute for Veteran’s and Military Affairs has a good relationship with ECP lieutenants and getting them placed. Syracuse was willing to cover room and board, and my ROTC scholarship covers tuition and fees, so I’m here debt free,” he says.
Cade is majoring in psychology and forensic science and serves as an assistant platoon leader in the National Guard. After completing his undergraduate degree, he hopes to attend a dual PhD/JD program at Cornell University to earn both a law degree and a doctorate in psychology with a goal to become an FBI profiler.
He’s using his Syracuse University experience to develop a wide network to help him achieve those goals. First, he became a member of the Office of Multicultural Advancement’s Our Time Has Come Leaders program, which offers leadership development programs for students who don’t need the financial support of the OTHC Scholarship program.
The Saturday morning programs have become a highlight for Cade. “Hearing from successful alumni about how they came to Syracuse University and the stories of their career progression has been really inspirational and eye opening,” he says. “As a person who’s trying to go places, I really appreciate being part of a program that supports my ambition and helps grow my network.”
Like many transfer students, Cade says he struggled at first to find his place socially. “Joining this program, I found people who looked like me and had like-minded aspirations. It is inspiring to have peers who excel and are recognized for their excellence for their academics and involvement in other campus organizations. As soon as I got involved, the camaraderie just poured in, and I have felt so welcomed.”
In addition to OTHC, Cade is a member of the Student Association, serving as chief justice for the Supreme Court. He’s also a member of the Black Honor Society and the National Black Law Student’s Association Pre-Law Chapter. He also spends one weekend a month (and two weeks in the summer) with the National Guard, helping plan and organize his platoon’s training missions.
Cade has been pointed toward a career with the FBI from a young age, an interest sparked by his love for watching crime shows on television. “The idea of guessing a suspect’s behavior based off the facts of a case interests me. It is like a puzzle that I have to solve by incorporating behavior into the investigation,” he says. “I researched the best way to achieve my goal, which is why I have chosen the fields to study that I have.”
Syracuse University has more than lived up to his expectations. “Syracuse has challenged me academically, socially and even emotionally,” he says. “I love a good challenge and Syracuse has shown me that I am capable of being in this space and excelling.”